2018. március 27., kedd

'89 (Hu/En)

„…tudod, úgy kezdődött, hogy az embereknek elegük lett, és kicsit szabadabbak akartak lenni. Persze beszálltak akik eddig felül voltak, meg nem akartak szembemenni az emberekkel.. Egy ideig még ők irányítottak…

Igen, géllakk. A múltkor elhagytam az egyik körmöm, ciki volt amikor a felesége találta meg, képzelheted.

…és voltak ott azok a Szabad..izék, azok. Először valami félig titkos csapat volt, de beléptek sokan azok is, akik eddig főnökösködtek. Ők nyertek, de sokan, akik eddig elvileg velük voltak, több hatalmat akartak… aztán jól egymásnak is estek, és persze a hangosabbak győztek, simán kicsinálták az első csapatot. Meg csináltak ilyen Nemzetőrséget is, meg minden, de senki se tudta, mi lesz az egészből, mindenki mást akart.

Nem, most inkább legyen valami vadabb szín… Igen, az jóóó, az olyan cuki! Imádlak

…na aztán komolyabban összevesztek… persze, mindenki magának akart minden, naná…
…aztán azok a fiatalok, az új csapat, na, tudod, cikizték a papokat, „csuhások” kiabálták a parlamentben vagy hol. Hogy? Igen, később a papok is velük voltak, legalábbis jó sokan… És átneveztek mindenfélét, biztos hogy mindenki tudhassa hogy ez már valami új dolog. Hogy miért? Igen, lehet hogy különben tényleg nem vették volna észre.
És megtalálták azokat a titkos iratokat, és mindenféle szemétség derült ki egy csomó emberről, hogy behívták azokat a külföldi katonákat, meg besúgtak, azokat jóóól kirúgták, de nem mindet, biztos mert róluk is sok minden volt ott, szóval végül inkább egymással vesztek össze. De addigra jó sok mindenkit kikészítettek. Persze. De tudod hogy van az. Ahhoz képest, hogy értelmiség, persze, nem látszott rajtuk.
…na szóval a végén, mert látták hogy kezdik elveszíteni a hatalmat, az emberek meg kezdték unni, hogy nem lett jobb így se, szóval akkor elkezdték egymást ölni. Mi? Neeem, dehogy is, személyesen nem, mindig van valaki akire ezt rá lehet bízni… A bíróság is mind az ő emberük volt, odamentek és ha valaki nem tetszett, kitaláltak ellene egy törvényt aztán annak annyi lett. Bizony.
...na de mindegy, akkor a végén jött az a kis alacsony pasi, valahonnan vidékről… Honnan tudjam merre van az a hely, valami kis falu vagy mi, de mindegy…
…épített mindenféle nagy izéket, láttam párat, majd mutatok fényképet… van ott egy olyan érdekes vonat is, azt is lefényképeztem... Na, és ott van mindegyiken a tábla, hogy izémegizé, mikor csinálták és hogy ő intézte SZEMÉLYESEN, persze, meg törvényeket csinált, meg alkotmányt, de addigra kibékült a papokkal… Mi? Mittudomén hogy szerette-e a focit, szőke vagyok, nem értek hozzá, de számít ez? Inkább Esmeraldát nézek, vagy azokat a cuki török sorozatokat.
Meg mindenfelé ki van állítva, hogy „és ezen a széken ült ekkor meg ekkor”, na de Icu, képzeld ha minden széket kiállítanának amin ültél… Meg hogy „itt aludt amikor....” mittudomén, amikor a törvényt írta. Na de hogy aludt ott a kiállításon? Persze hogy időnként hülyeségeket beszélt.
Persze, tudom, ha azt állítanák ki ahol TE aludtál, és kiírnák hogy mit csináltál közben, az viccesebb lenne. Naa, ne már, nem úgy gondoltam, bocsii.
…de ez azért nevetséges, gondolj bele, átszervezte az oktatást, meg törvényeket is írt meg azok a rohadt drága építkezések, komolyan, mikor aludt? Mint valami törpe Mátyás király, ha minden mese igaz akkor annak is vagy száz évig kellett volna uralkodnia, de neeem? Közben meg miden ismerőse kapott valami jó kis állást vagy kitüntetést vagy kinevezést vagy valamit. Az is lehet hogy trafikot, igen.
Hol tartottam? Ja, építkezett aztán ő lett a király vagy császár vagy mi, de persze választás volt előtte, naná. Jól csaltak is, manipulálták az egészet, na. Miért? Te nem csináltad volna? Jól van, te nem, de nem is lesz belőled semmi, maradsz műkörmös. Persze, de ha te is ott lakhatnál abban a marha nagy házban és mindenki rohanna ha akarsz valamit, te se akarnál kiköltözni…
…persze, az emberek meg maradtak szegények, de nem vették észre, mert volt valaki, aki valamikor lentről jött és azt mondta, hogy igenis, nektek jó. A sok hülye meg elhitte. Olyan izéje volt, komplexusa, biztos mert hogy kicsi volt. Mint a Marinak a pasija, tudod az a kis seggfej.
De az is kellett, hogy mindig mondta, megmondta az embereknek hogy ki az ellenség és ki miatt van minden, és összeveszett az egész Európával, mert hogy majd ő megmutatja. Aztán a végén mindenki berágott rá és jól elzavarták, de egy csomó mindenki beszállt már ellene a buliba…
MI? Dehogy, nem, ez dehogyis itt történt, ez a francia forradalom volt, 1789 asszem, most láttam róla egy műsort a National Geographic-on vagy hol… vagy a History-n? Mittudomén."


Well, I translated but I think you can't understand what I wanted to write with it so I need to make some explaining.
First the text then my comment - I think the full text again with explainings in "()", I don't want ruining the poen at start :D

"... you know, it started to make people become exhausted and want to be a little more free. Of course, those who have been above, who did not want to confront people. For some time, they made control yet...

Yes, gel varnish nail. I missed one of my nails last time, it was suck when his wife found it, you can imagine.

... and there were the Free ... uh, those. First of all, it was a semi-secret team, but many of those who had been bossed so far entered. They have won, but many who have been in principle with them have wanted more power ... and then they went well together, and of course the louder wins, and the first team was kidding. They did such a National Guard and all, but no one knew what would happen, everyone wanted different things.

No, let's be a wilder color now ... Yeah, good-ass, that's so cute! I luv you

...and then they are more seriously confused ... of course, everybody wanted everything for themselves...
... then those young people, the new team, you know, sticked the priests, "monkery" shouted in parliament or where. That? Yeah, later the priests were with them, at least a lot of people... And they renamed everything, sure everyone knows that this is something new. What? Yeah, they might not have noticed.

And they found those secret documents, and all sorts of lurking out of a lot of people had been invoked by foreign soldiers, they bowed down, they were kicked off, but not all of them, because there were so many of them there, so they ended up rather with each other. But by that time, a lot of people got ruined. Of course. But you know how is working. As opposed to being intelligent, of course, they did not appear.
...in the end, because they saw that they were beginning to lose power, people began to dream that they did not get better, so they started killing each other. How? No, no, not personally, there is always someone to do that... The court was all their own, they went and if somebody did not like it, they invented a law against it and then it was so much. Amen.
...but no matter what, then in the end came that little short guy, somewhere in the countryside... How do I know where the place is, you are a little village, but anyway...
...built all sorts of great things, I saw some, and I will show you photos later... there's an interesting train I've also photographed... And there is a table on each of them, when it was done and when it was done PERSONALLY, of course made laws, constitution, but then reconciled with the priests ... What? I don't know if he liked football, I'm blonde, I do not get it, but does it matter? I rather look at Esmeralda or those of the cute turkish series.
And it is set to everywhere in exhibitions "…and he did sitting on that chair at that time," but Lily, imagine if you were to exhibit all the chairs you sat on... and how he "slept here when..." when he wrote the law. But how did he sleep at the exhibition? Of course, if he sometimes talked of stupid things.
Of course, I know if you they make exhibitions about beds where you slept and write what you were doing, it would be more fun. No, no, I did not think THAT, sorry dear.
...but that's ridiculous, think about it, reorganized education, and laws have been written by those darn expensive buildings, seriously, when they slept? Like a dwarf King Matthias, if every fairy tale were true, then it would have been a hundred years, but would not it? Meanwhile, all of his acquaintances have got some good job or awards or appointments or something. It may also be a tobacco shop, yes.
Where did I keep it? Yeah, he built it up, he became the king or emperor or so, but of course there was an election before it. They're cheating, manipulating the whole thing, na. Why? Would not you have done it? Okay, you do not, but you will not have anything, you still be nail maker. Of course, but if you can live there in that cow big house and everyone is running if you want something, you do not want to move out...
...of course, people remained poor, but they did not notice it because there was someone who came from below and said that yes, you are good. The many stupid people believed it. He had such a complexion, sure, because he was small. Like Mary's husband, you know that little asshole.
But he also had to always tell, told people who the enemy was and who it was all about, and he was fighting the whole of Europe because he would show it. Then, in the end, everyone got caught up in it and got it off, but a lot of everyone got into the party ...
What? No, no, that didn't happened here, this was the French Revolution, I think 1789 I just saw a tv program on National Geographic or where ... or History Channel? I do not know."


And now, my explanations for the text:

I wrote it in a style of a not-too-clever woman who is telling it for her friend, who is a nail-maker :)
She uses slang, I couldn't translate it well but maybe my normal English slang will be ok too :P
The whole text sounds like about Hungarian history from 1989 - this was the last day of the "socialism" (a kind of kommunism) here, when the russian soldiers left my country after the Cold War. But I feel some parallel between my history and the french one, about 1789 :)
I'll make comments in this form: (H <-> F) Hungary <-> French
Ant ther was a real different thing: nobody died here when these are happened but in French.... too much people. They really killed each others :( So sad

"... you know, it started to make people become exhausted and want to be a little more free. Of course, those who have been above, who did not want to confront people. For some time, they made control yet... (Kommunists <-> Aristocracy)

Yes, gel varnish nail I missed one of my nails last time, it was suck when his wife found it, you can imagine.

... and there were the Free ...(Free Democrats Covenant, a party <-> "Free Masonry") uh, those. First of all, it was a semi-secret team, but many of those who had been bossed so far entered. They have won, but many who have been in principle with them have wanted more power ... and then they went well together, and of course the louder wins, (FIDESZ, party <-> "Jacobins") and the first team was kidding. They did such a National Guard (same in both place) and all, but no one knew what would happen, everyone wanted different things.

No, let's be a wilder color now ... Yeah, good-ass, that's so cute! I luv you

...and then they are more seriously confused ... of course, everybody wanted everything for themselves...
... then those young people, the new team, you know, sticked the priests, "monkery" shouted in parliament or where. That? Yeah, later the priests were with them, at least a lot of people... And they renamed everything, sure everyone knows that this is something new. What? Yeah, they might not have noticed.
And they found those secret documents (Secret Servise papers <-> King's documents), and all sorts of lurking out of a lot of people had been invoked by foreign soldiers, they bowed down, they were kicked off, but not all of them, because there were so many of them there, so they ended up rather with each other. But by that time, a lot of people got ruined. Of course. But you know how is working. As opposed to being intelligent, of course, they did not appear.
...in the end, because they saw that they were beginning to lose power, people began to dream that they did not get better, so they started killing each other. How? No, no, not personally, there is always someone to do that... The court was all their own, they went and if somebody did not like it, they invented a law against it and then it was so much. Amen.
...but no matter what, then in the end came that little short guy (our Prime Minister, Victor Orbán <-> Napoleon), somewhere in the countryside... How do I know where the place is, that's a little village (H: Felcsút <-> Corsica), but anyway...
...built all sorts of great things (Our government was built football stadions everywhere <-> Triumphal Arches), I saw some, and I will show you photos later... there's an interesting train (Here is a train, specially to go the village of Viktor, nobody use that <-> TGV) I've also photographed... And there is a table on each of them, when it was done and when it was done PERSONALLY, of course made laws, constitution, but then reconciled with the priests ... What? I don't know if he liked football (Orbán is a soccer and loves the football, but that's very-very bad here), I'm blonde, I do not get it, but does it matter? I rather look at Esmeralda or those of the cute turkish series.
And it is set to everywhere in exhibitions "…and he did sitting on that chair at that time," but Lily, imagine if you were to exhibit all the chairs you sat on... and how he "slept here when..." when he wrote the law. But how did he sleep at the exhibition? Of course, if he sometimes talked of stupid things.
Of course, I know if you they make exhibitions about beds where you slept and write what you were doing, it would be more fun. No, no, I did not think THAT, sorry dear.
...but that's ridiculous, think about it, reorganized education, and laws have been written by those darn expensive buildings, seriously, when they slept? Like a dwarf King Matthias (King Mathias was our big king and there are - too much - stories about his justice. He had Italian wife)), if every fairy tale were true, then it would have been a hundred years, but would not it? Meanwhile, all of his acquaintances have got some good job or awards or appointments or something. It may also be a tobacco shop, yes.
Where did I keep it? Yeah, he built it up, he became the king or emperor or so, but of course there was an election before it. They're cheating, manipulating the whole thing, na. Why? Would not you have done it? Okay, you do not, but you will not have anything, you still be nail maker. Of course, but if you can live there in that cow big house and everyone is running if you want something, you do not want to move out...
...of course, people remained poor, but they did not notice it because there was someone who came from below and said that yes, you are good. The many stupid people believed it. He had such a complexion, sure, because he was small. Like Mary's husband, you know that little asshole.
But he also had to always tell, told people who the enemy was and who it was all about, and he was fighting the whole of Europe (against EU <-> Against Italy, Deutschland and England) because he would show it. Then, in the end, everyone got caught up in it and got it off, but a lot of everyone got into the party ...
What? No, no, that didn't happened here, this was the French Revolution, I think 1789 I just saw a tv program on National Geographic or where ... or History Channel? I do not know."

2 megjegyzés:

  1. I remember that year ... I was married, I was happy and I was into my own home...
    Well. it was very difficult for me to understand all this, even with your so useful help! Anyway, I like a lot your style, your way to write ... because I like the complex situations.
    Go on so, please!

    1. Thank you very much, my sweet friend! And I hope your happyness isn't only in your past
