2018. április 2., hétfő

"Áprilisnak elseje, küldd a marhát másfele" / "First of April, send the stupid somewhere"

 Egyszer még ember koromban elhitettem az osztálytársaimmal, hogy éppen április elsején van a születésnapom. Aztán kisettenkedtem a lépcsőházba és fél emelettel feljebbről lestem, mi történik.
...egyre többen lettünk a lépcsőfordulóban, jó volt a hangulat, bár az volt az első, hogy mindenkinek elmondtam, hogy csak átverés az egész. Jól szórakoztunk a később érkezőkön, egyedül azt volt nehéz megállni, hogy olyankor picit csendben legyünk és ne nevessünk hangosan. Kisebb piknik alakult ki a lépcsőn mert persze hoztak sütit, üdítőitalt, tortát, aztán a végén lejöttünk és bent a lakásban folytattuk.
Kaptam egy csomó ajándékot is, azt mondták hogy nekem hozták és tartsam meg, mosolyogtak és s
senki se haragudott vagy sértődött meg és senki sem volt mérges.

...most azért belepne a pókháló, ha addig várnék míg bárki jön. :D

Bekapcsolom a rádiót...

"Soros György tervei szerint az ellenzék beengedné az összes illegális bevándorlót"
"AZ ENSZ egymillió migránst telepítene Magyarországra"
"Az ellenzék le akarja bontani a határzárat"
"A Helsinki Bizottság a Budapesten üresen álló lakásokba migránsokat költöztetne"
"Aki nem a FIDESZ-t támogatja, az Soros-bérenc és hazaáruló"
"Listánk van kétezer emberről, akik meg akarják dönteni a kormányt"
"Brüsszel kötelezné Magyarországot hogy a migránsok letelepedési költségeit fizesse ki"
"Szél Bernadett Soros-ügynök és amerikai kém"
"A Pólus Center melletti üres területre a kerület polgármestere migráns tábort akar építtetni"
"Ha nem a FIDESZ marad hatalmon, akkor Magyarország iszlám állammá változik"

Hé, ma már másodika van!


(S.D.: In First of April people made jokes with each others with it: wrote this doggerel to a paper and asked anyone to give it to others as a letter. When the addressee could read it, knew what’s its job and sent the poor one away, for others again till it knew they joked her/him)

 Once upon a time (when I was human yet) in my early years, I believed with my classmates that my birthday was just on 1st of April. Then I slipped into the staircase and half-raised to the top of what was happening.
... we became more and more people at the turn of the stage, the atmosphere was good, although it was the first time I told everyone that it was just a scam. We were delighted with later arrivals, it was difficult to stand alone so we would be silent and do not laugh loudly. There was a smaller picnic on the stairs because of course they brought cookies, soft drinks, cakes, then we came down in the end and continued it in our flat.
I got a lot of gifts, they said they brought me and kept me, they smiled and
no one was angry or insulted and no one was angry.

... now the cobweb will wrap me if I wait until anyone comes. : D

I turn on the radio ...

"György Soros plans to ask the Opposition to allow all illegal immigrants"
"UN will install one million migrants to Hungary"
"The Opposition wants to break the borderline" (S.D.: yes with their own hands!)
"The Helsinki Committee would move migrants into empty homes in Budapest"
"Whoever does not support FIDESZ, the Soros wage and treason"
"There are two thousand people on the list who want to decide on the government"
"Brussels would oblige Hungary to pay the settling costs of migrants"
"Bernadett Szél is a Soros-agent and American Spy"
"The Mayor of the district wants to build a migrant camp in the empty area next to the Polus Center" (S.D: Polus Center is a huge mall in that district)
"If the FIDESZ does not remain in power, then Hungary will become an Islamic state"

Hey, it's Second of April already!

4 megjegyzés:

  1. Uhmmm... so may I say you "Happy birthday!" for last April, 1th, anyway?
    Do you know? Cats like a lot that day, for we call it "April fish" ... lol ... yet this is only a way to say that it is a day of jokes for the children... only little innocent jokes: the most common of them is to stick or to hang a draw of a fish to the back of someone, so everyone laughts when she/he walks without to know what she/he is bringing and, at last she/he realizes something and finds her/his fish ...
    Ok, it is only a very silly thing, but I liked a lot it when I was a child.
    ...And...be quiet...I'm very silly, so just now I realized that you also know very well this 1th April stuff... and it is exactly due to this your poist.
    I'm so sorry to be stupid...

    1. Hey, you aren't silly or stupid, we are friends! I like your story and I didn't know it before :)
      Or - yes you can tell me "Happy birthday" in this day cos it's the April Fool's day but in that case we have our birthday in same day, together :)

    2. LOL!
      That's true: in the same day!
      (as twin sisters?)

    3. Why not? I'll like that ;)
